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  • News announcement
  • 1 December 2021
  • Directorate-General for Environment
  • 1 min read

Microplastics: contribute to call for evidence ahead of new proposal

The Commission has launched a call for evidence for the upcoming initiative aiming to tackle microplastics unintentionally released into the environment. The initiative will focus on labelling, standardisation, certification and regulatory measures for the main sources of these plastics. This call for evidence is now open for feedback until 18 January 2022. Your input will be taken into account as the Commission further develops and fine tunes this initiative. 

A Call for evidence describes the problem to be tackled and objectives to be met, explains why EU action is needed, outlines policy options and describes the main features of the consultation strategy, including whether a public consultation with a questionnaire is needed. The Commission uses Call for evidence to define the scope of:

  • a politically sensitive and/or important new law or policy
  • an evaluation of an existing law or policy
  • a fitness check of a bundle of related existing laws and/or policies

A public consultation on the initiative will be open for feedback in first quarter 2022.

For more information

EU action on microplastics


Publication date
1 December 2021
Directorate-General for Environment

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