Implementation: 2019 - ongoing
Countries: Germany
Contact organisation: Herdenschutz plus Hund e.V.
Contact Person: infoherdenschutzplushund [dot] de (info[at]herdenschutzplushund[dot]de)
More information: https://www.herdenschutzplushund.de
Target species: Wolf
Livestock protection plus dog (Herdenschutz plus Hund e.V.), is a community of livestock owners and interested parties with the common aim of improving technical herd protection and the training of livestock guarding dogs in Saxon-Anhalt. The association exists to support livestock owners in the choice of dogs and their training as well as technical measures (fencing etc) and maintenance.
Education of livestock guarding dogs
- Developed a standard for dog training including a certification scheme and testing protocol
- Advice on the selection of suitable dogs
- Guidance and assistance with training (from puppy to training)
- Conducting dog training seminars and workshops
- Carrying out working tests
- Supervision of all suitable breeds (all recognised breeds are considered e.g. Caucasian Owtscharka, Maremma-Abruzzo Sheepdog, Kangal shepherd dog, Kuvasz (Hungarian shepherd dog), Pyrenean Mountain Dog)
Technical herd protection
- Advice on choices and installation of all suitable technical measures
- Electrical fixed fences such as: wire mesh, knotted mesh, wire strand
- Mobile fences such as: nets, flexi-band with wide strand, strand fence (mobile)
- Set up with earthing, battery or mains operation
Advice and contacts
- Advice of the protection of individual sites or the optimisation of existing systems
- Organisation of workshops and seminars
Today, the 54 members keep almost half of the 57,000 sheep in Saxony-Anhalt - with the result that none of the members have suffered any losses due to wolves. The shepherds that are members of the association advise each other and help each other in establishing wolf-deterrent protective measures.
Membership fees. Some NGO financing to support communication and training measures.
- Publication date
- 7 November 2023
- Author
- Directorate-General for Environment