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News (795)
Extending the life of hotel goods to conserve water and support sustainability

The evaluation of the National Emission Reduction Commitments Directive will assess whether it effectively contributes to its goals, including protecting human health.

Aqua Dialogues in Egypt educate young people onpressing water challenges and climate issues.

The Brasserie de Saint-Martin-Vésubie, destroyed by a storm in 2020, has been reborn in a sustainable way, reducing its use of energy and water.

A new technology developed in Portugal can save millions of cubic metres of water being wasted each year, whilst reducing use the use of chemicals.
In Enschede, Netherlands, low-lying districts of Stadsveld and Pathmos are dealing with flooding. Where a stream used to run, the Stadsbeek has now been constructed.

Three out of four Europeans live in urban areas and most of them are exposed to unsafe levels of air pollution.

Using source separation to recover and reuse energy, nutrients and water.

Euronews visits a treatment plant to discover how wastewater is being transformed into biogas for electricity and heat.

Valencia, the third largest city in Spain, has launched a groundbreaking renewable energy project that aims to transform its cemeteries into the nation’s largest urban solar farm.