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News (795)
EU Platform members will participate in an event on Co-existence of livestock farming and large carnivores in Europe organised jointly between the European Parliament Intergroup on Biodiversity, Hunting, Countryside and the Committee of the Regions’ Commission for Natural Resources and the CoR.

Issue 602: An international study assessed the range of Posidonia oceanica (seagrass endemic to the Mediterranean), and associated ecosystem services lost, due to a 90% loss of the seagrass habitat resulting from industrial pollution.

Issue 602: Flooding - the most expensive natural hazard in Europe - is forecast to worsen in the future due to climatic and socio-economic changes.

Issue 602: The cooling effect of trees is well known, but no study has so far aimed to quantify how many premature deaths might be prevented through this ecosystem service.

In episode two, Euronews explores how to sustainably manage forests, reducing their vulnerability to climate extremes and increasing their adaptive capacity.
The LIFE Environment Award recognises innovative projects that contribute to the protection and restoration of the environment. At the ceremony, Mihhail Kõlvart, Mayor of Tallinn - European Green Capital 2023 - presented LIFE Plants for Plants as the winning LIFE project in the Environment category.

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the European Commission (EC) have agreed to strengthen their partnership for successful environmental multilateralism to address the triple planetary crisis.

The European Commission has launched an online public consultation on the evaluation of the Directive on waste from electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE Directive) that will run until 22 September 2023.

The 2023 LIFE Award for Nature goes to the LIFE Luchs Pfälzerwald project on the reintroduction of Eurasian lynxes in the Palatinate Forest Biosphere Reserve.

The 5th international OECD Circular Economy roundtable was held in the capital of Estonia