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Studies that observe physical and behavioural changes in wild species over periods of rising temperature rarely evaluate the role of climate change in relation to simultaneous changes of other environmental factors.

The EU aims to achieve ‘good’ environmental status in marine areas across all Member States. This study assesses protected and non-protected sites in the Mediterranean Sea according to key ecological indicators.

Models used to assess climate-change mitigation pathways rely on assumptions about the relationships between different factors – such as economic growth and climate warming.

Freshwater ecosystems in urban areas face a variety of pressures and are often significantly degraded.

Climate refugia are areas that remain relatively buffered from the effects of climate change over time, enabling them to play a vital role in safeguarding biodiversity.
As European Green Capital 2022, Grenoble has assumed its role as a pioneering city helping accelerate transitions.
Torres Vedras snatched the title of European Green Leaf in 2015. Now, the city is continuing to realise innovative environmental actions as a Green City Accord signatory.

Yesterday, at at the 77th session of the UN General Assembly in New York, Executive Vice-President Frans Timmermans renewed the EU's commitment to reverse biodiversity loss and fight climate change at the ‘Countdown to CBD COP15' pledging event.
Today EU public authorities and practitioners from the waste-recycling industry gather to discuss how to divert biowaste from landfills and use it to produce bio-energy and compost.
Grenoble’s sports clubs show full support to the European Green Capital year of the city