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EU strategy for sustainable and circular textiles - List page (795)
LIFE TECMINE set out to improve the restoration of open pit mines in Mediterranean forest areas by combining different techniques.

Several LIFE projects have helped restore Europe’s threatened mussel populations.

LIFE to alvars restored 2 500 hectares of alvar grassland in Estonia, involving local farmers in the process.

The European Commission has adopted the 12th edition of the European List of ship recycling facilities.

The Commission welcomes the provisional agreement reached last night between the European Parliament and the Council on the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation.

What’s life like for a wolf in a human world? The LIFE WolfAlps project’s immersive exhibition transported more than 50,000 visitors into the mountains, through forests and meadows, into villages and roads, all while taking on the perspective of a young wolf!

How to help lynx cross borders and prevent inbreeding? The "Living with Carpathian Spirits" project unites Slovakia and Switzerland to strengthen lynx populations. It managed to improve monitoring techniques, relocate lynx to boost genetic diversity and educate 12 500 lay people on the species!
The European Commission launched today an open public consultation on the evaluation of the Nitrates Directive.

The Commission has developed a new tool to map energy and environmental related data, such as energy infrastructure and renewable energy potential (biomass, solar and wind).

The provisional agreement strengthens the current provisions for emissions from industry and large intensive rearing farms.