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EU strategy for sustainable and circular textiles - List page (794)
RSSGrenoble (France) is the winner of the EU Green Capital Award 2022. The EU Green Leaf 2021 is shared by Gabrovo (Bulgaria) and Lappeenranta (Finland)
The new platform launched today to help protect and restore world’s forests brings together an unprecedented range of stakeholders and expertise.
Today the European Commission launched the roadmap on an EU Zero Pollution Action Plan.
The Commission published today the 10th report on the implementation of the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive.
New report reveals that air and noise pollution, the impacts of climate change, and exposure to dangerous chemicals cause ill health in Europe.
The Commission today adopted its proposal for fishing opportunities for 2021 for the Baltic Sea.
The EU and India today adopted a joint declaration to scale-up EU-India cooperation in the areas of resource efficiency and circular economy.
Latest assessment finds that the implementation of the new European clean air rules needs improvement.
The Commission adopted today a report on the Marine Strategy Framework Directive.
With the amount of harmful plastic litter in oceans and seas growing ever greater, the European Commission is proposing new EU-wide rules.